Tips For Oral Surgery Recovery For Those With Diabetes

People with diabetes tend to have difficulties controlling their sugar levels post-surgery. This difficulty is because one undergoes stress, which produces cortisol, which leads to insulin resistance. It then triggers the body to produce more insulin to remove glucose from the blood. Some of the tips for oral surgery recovery include eating the right foods, exercise, and being aware of your medication interactions. 

Eat Appropriate Foods

You need to heal and fight off any harmful bacteria lurking around. Therefore, eating foods rich in essential nutrients will quicken your recovery process. For instance, foods rich in protein will help repair damaged tissues, fruits with a high content of vitamin C will boost your immunity. and foods rich in fiber and probiotics will help your digestive system process all these foods. Also, you are better off avoiding refined sugars and soft drinks during your recovery. 


After oral surgery, it’s good to increase your blood flow and prevent any clots. High sugar levels usually cause your arteries to tighten up, meaning less blood flows through your blood levels. Exercising helps increase your blood flow. In turn, more oxygen reaches your wound. 

Share Your Medication Interactions

Before the surgery, ensure that our professional knows your medical history, including any medications that you are currently on. This is because some medications may have adverse side effects when combined with the ones that you are currently using. Therefore, after the procedure, keep a close eye on any changes you might have on your body.

Keep Yourself Safe

Someone with diabetes can have a safe recovery after surgery by making an extra effort to keep blood sugar levels intact. Therefore, making sure that these levels are stable before and post-surgery will reduce scarring and the time it takes to recover. After an oral surgery, feel free to visit our offices for prompt care for any queries or emergencies after oral surgery.